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Category: Corporate Transportation

How Private Car Service Providers Support 2018 Corporate Travel Trends

Corporate travellers walking in busy airport 2018 is set to be another big year for corporate travel trends. We already see some trends taking shape, and some continuation from the last few years as companies become more self-aware and more contientious of how they are using their resources. It’s no surprise that private car services are a big part of this movement. Here’s why:
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Cutting Corporate Travel Costs: How Private Car Services Can Actually Save Money

Calculating corporate travel costs - airplane on calculatorCorporate travel is a big source of lost money in the business sector. Year after year, companies search for ways to cut corporate travel costs without damaging their efficiency afield. Now is the time for companies to start looking at areas where they could be saving money with the help of a private car serviceRead More

Calculating the ROI of Business Travel

Calculating ROI on business travelCEO’s spend a significant amount of their time traveling between major airports. All this travel cuts into time they could be spending with family, answering last-minute calls and emails, or just relaxing. The truth is that for many CEO’s, a professional chauffer is well worth the cost because it opens up more time to take care of important matters. Here’s how you should be calculating your ROI on business travel: Read More

Private Transportation Etiquette – What to Know When You Ride

Private transportation etiquette for travelling When it comes to public transportation, everyone seems to have a pretty firm grasp of proper etiquette. However, in the world of private transport, there are often many questions about what is appropriate.

Whether it’s a corporate transport event or a private party, there are a few simple rules you should keep in mind.  Read More