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Category: CT Limousine Service

Tweed New Haven Parking: Your Best Option for an On-Time, Less-Stressed Arrival

Tweed New Haven Parking Opposed to the crowds, long lines, lengthy walks and traffic congestion encountered at other airports frequented by Connecticut and New York-based travelers, Tweed New Haven Airport (HVN) offers a smooth and simple alternative hometown airport experience. Yet while HVN’s adjacency to multiple major highways and commuter railways make it Connecticut’s most convenient and easily accessible airport, Tweed New Haven parking presents challenges that can throw a wrench into your travel plans. Read More

The Value of ‘Yes’ in a Private Car Service Provider

Last week a certain money manager from New Canaan became positively apoplectic when we could not meet his chauffeured car service need on short notice.

We can’t blame him. He and his team have counted on flawless service and never a coverage issue from Teddy’s for decades. But we called several other affiliated limo companies to meet his Sunday night request for a Monday morning car. ..and nobody had an available driver. Our drivers all had assignments already – even me, the company president had a pre-dawn trip to cover.

Teddy’s has always understood a simple ‘yes we can’ is often what our clients covet most from us. “Can I get a 5AM car Tuesday for my boss from Westport to LaGuardia?” Of course – with no pre-dawn surcharge! Midtown, New York to Greenwich tomorrow night? Certainly.

Lately, though, as you have read in so many headlines, the service and travel industries are having once-in-a-lifetime difficulties in finding help to fuel the rapid rebirth of post-pandemic business travel. So many chauffeurs had to leave the industry while it was effectively closed and we are battling to replace that headcount with other world-class professional drivers – no easy task.

Meanwhile, Teddy’s is hearing from so many new people who need professional private car service. So many have moved up to Connecticut during the pandemic. Just today, we booked a first-time ride from a woman whose family just moved to Darien from Brooklyn. We are also hearing from numerous people whose pre-pandemic car service is out of business. At the same time, our frequent business fliers are returning to work at a brisk clip.

We’ve got you. We have your back. But ‘yes’ costs a little more for a while as we rely on independent affiliates and partner providers to help meet your business travel needs. So we’ve increased our surcharge to help us attract and retain the professional chauffeur staff you have come to rely on. We hope you understand.

TSA Screened over 1 million pax Oct 18. First time since March: Global Business Travel Association

TSA Administrator Shares Insights with the World’s Largest Business Travel Association

The steps TSA is taking to ensure a safe, secure return to travel


For the eighth week of its Collaboratory 2020 series, the Global Business Travel Association’s (GBTA) Interim Executive Director, Dave Hilfman, hosted David Pekoske, Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for the headliner webinar of the week: “TSA: Leveraging Technology and Innovation to Stay Healthy and Secure” according to a GBTA blog post.

Webinar, participants heard from Pekoske about the agency’s response to growing passenger volumes, protective measures being taken to make the screening process safer for passengers and employees, and technological innovations designed to reduce physical contact and increase social distancing at the checkpoint.

Highlights of the discussion between Mr. Hilfman and Administrator Pekoske included the following:

  • On Sunday, October 18, TSA screened over 1 million passengers for the first time since March 17, 2020. “We are seeing about a 40 percent recovery of the system overall,” said Pekoske. “While some airports are seeing a faster recovery, particularly those in more popular leisure travel destinations, the trend is very positive.”
  • During the pandemic, TSA has made great strides in improving safety and security for the traveling public through the use of credential authentication technology, x-ray technology for carry-on bags, and advanced imaging technology for traveler body scans. “We’ve made the identification check at security nearly contactless, with new technology that allows the traveler to insert their driver’s license into a machine – instead of handing it to an agent – and the machine tells the agent if the identification is valid and even checks the traveler’s flight status while they are standing there,” said Pekoske.
  • The pandemic will result in positive, long-term changes to the way TSA operates. “At TSA, we have experienced unparalleled cooperation with airports, airlines and the travel industry, enabling us to become even more agile, assess issues more rapidly and come up with a solution quickly,” said Pekoske. “The TSA workforce has been phenomenal during this challenging time and our front-line employees have been able to forge better relationships with passengers, which is critical in building confidence and ensuring convenience for the passengers.”

“The advances in technology and enhancements in sanitization should make passengers feel very confident when traveling by air,” said Pekoske. “When I’ve traveled during this pandemic, my experience has been uniformly positive, with the overwhelming majority of passengers following health guidelines and TSA and airlines doing a fantastic job of making passengers feel very safe.”

Online COVID Screen for flying into New York airports

While Teddy’s is delighted to be back to helping our clients with a few airport trips each day we have not done much flying ourselves and wondered about the screening process you will face upon flying back into the Greater New York City airports, LaGuardia, John F Kennedy, Newark, Westchester County and Teterboro (codes LGA, JFK, EWR, HPH & TEB respectively).

Well Team Teddy’s member Emerson Osorio just got back from his very first trip to the Colorado Rockies and besides being very stoked about the majestic mountains, filled us in on his experience flying back into LaGuardia Airport today.

In a nutshell, all passengers boarding in Denver were told to visit https://forms.ny.gov/s3/Welcome-to-New-York-State-Traveler-Health-Form and fill out the quick form. He completed his before boarding, worried about intermittent internet access while airborne.

HOWEVER, it looks like if you are only passing through a New York City airport, to stay in Connecticut, you are actually responsible to submit a report to Connecticut. More below.

I started the NY form while here at the Teddy’s offices, but did not want to finish it because I’m not actually traveling today. The first page advised you not to submit the form more than 24 hours before you enter the State of New York.

The form’s first page called for name and birth date. Page 2 was phone numbers and contact info. Three was travel date and mode of transportation, i.e.: check a box for airplane, bus, private car, public transport, ship or train. Page 4 was about dependents traveling with you. There were 8 pages altogether and I’m sure I would have finished in 3 minutes.

Once finished, you were to screen shot the findings of the site. If the site returned a green checkmark, you did not have to quarantine. I’m not sure what the alternative response page looked like.

Just passing through NY to Connecticut?


Failure to submit this travel health form or to self-quarantine may result in a civil penalty of $500 for each such violation.


An Affected Traveler is a person entering into Connecticut after spending 24 hours or longer in one of the Affected States or Affected Countries within 14 days prior to arriving in Connecticut and who is staying in Connecticut for 24 hours or longer. To control the spread of COVID-19 in Connecticut, all Affected Travelers are required to (1) complete the “Connecticut Travel Health Form” and (2) self-quarantine for a period of 14 days from the time of last contact with an Affected State or Affected Country, for any portion of such 14 day period they spend in Connecticut.

Can travelers be tested for COVID-19 instead of self-quarantine? Yes, an Affected Traveler is exempt from the self-quarantine requirement if the Affected Traveler (1) has had a test for COVID-19 in the seventy-two (72) hours prior to arrival in Connecticut or at any time following arrival in Connecticut, (2) the result of such COVID-19 test is negative, and (3) he or she has provided written proof of such negative test result to the Commissioner via email to: DPH.COVID-Travel@ct.gov or via facsimile to: (860) 326-0529.  (see more at item 14 here.)

For an ever-changing list of the Affected States, click here.

Hope it helps! Stay tuned while we keep an ear out for the process into Bradley (Hartford/Springfield) and Boston Logan. (Or if you know, please tell us by calling or writing contact@teddyslimo.com and we’ll post it here.)

For more about Teddy’s COVID safety protocols, click here.

Safe travels!

Team Teddy’s


Hotel Stays can be Safe: CDC cited

A pandemic record 800,000 travelers passed through TSA airport security Sunday, August 9. As well, daily trip counts at Teddyslimo.com continue to climb a little more every week and we are prepared for a big increase in business travel after Labor Day.

So, if you are feeling the pressure to dip your toes back into your business-travel routine soon, for a successful Q4, rest assured we professional business travel partners are looking out for you.

“Anything that we do that exposes us to other people is potentially risky, hotel stays included. But if proper precautions are taken, then it’s unlikely that they’re among the most risky things people could be doing,” Caitlin Howell, a chemical and biomedical engineer at the University of Maine, told Business Insider.

“Aspects of hotel stays that put people close together, such as talking with other patrons or exercising in a small space with others, are more likely to be risky than sleeping in a room,” she said. “…the risk of catching COVID-19 during a hotel stay is low if it’s properly cleaned.”

Well-run hotels and car services, like Teddy’s, are disinfecting services before every guest.

More at Business Insider.